Hi All,
    I have a customer who is need of an extremely thin, smooth
    (preferably glossy), abrasion resistant coating that can be
    applied to the surface of a printed circuit board.   Without going
    into too much detail, an abrasive material is slid across the
    surface of board and needs to be held in intimate contact to the
    board surface.  There is a dielectric layer covering the actual
    circuitry.  This started out as soldermask but this wore through
    rather quickly.  2nd genreation was a single ply of 0104 prepreg.
     This also wore through too quickly.  The surface dielectric
    coating thickness can be increased provided the Dk of the material
    is also increased.
    Some ideas that have surfaced so far are a Paralene (sp?) coating,
    or a silcon nitride coating.  I have no experience with either and
    don't know where to even start to look for these.
    Any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Andy Slade
    Sr. Product Engineer
    New Product Introduction
    HADCO Tech Center One

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