>From a semi-biased supplier of red laser diode photoplotters, I have seen 
the Kodak ERF film work well in Kodak RA2000 rapid access chemistry in a 
Kodak 720 or 66s processor with very sharp line edges.
From: TechNet-request
To: technet
Cc: Daniel M Rotter
Subject: Photo processing NO
Date: Thursday, October 03, 1996 6:04PM

   Our shop has been using the services of an outside photoplotter and
   processor for the last few years and we're finally buying our own 

   I'd like to know from all of you unbiased (and semi-biased) users out
   there about your preferences in processors and chemistry.

   Our current supplier is recommending Kodak Ultratek and a Hostert
   processor, which seems to be about the most expensive system out there.
   Their technician feels that our line edge quality requires the high end
   processor chemistry and the Hostert is one of the few processors that can 

   run that chemistry.  I didn't think we were doing anything that exotic (5 

   mil lines and spaces).

   Any input on preferences/successes?

   Bob Hunt
   Boeing Electronic Products
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