We have a captive board shop and use polyimide labels with an acrylic 
adhesive to ID the bare boards. These labels are applied at  final 
inspection, and the numbers are recorded on the inspection record for that 
lot. Our bare board artwork contains the corners of the label , so the 
location is always indicated on the board itself. The polyimide / acrylic 
combination withstands immersion in the wave solder, so we put the labels on 
the circuit side and don't take up valuable component-side space.

 We presently use .250" x 1.250" labels to accomodate an 8-digit, Code 39 
bar code with human readable subscript. (We could reduce the size to 
something like .200" x .650", and still keep the human readable numbers if 
we went to an Interleaved code 2 of 5 and didn't need alphabetic 
characters.) We have used  pre-printed, sequentially-numbered labels, and we 
have also printed our own, with about equal success.  This whole scheme 
essentially amounts to serializing the boards, which gives us traceability 
in the FAB side, and gives the ASSY group a unique identifier (serial 

The assembly group uses indelible ink pens to write various information in 
the board, and the test group uses stamp pads for their needs. In the end, 
the bar code number is the one that gets recorded at our final gate.

Mike Matson
Manufacturing Engineer
Woodward Governor Company
Fort Collins, CO
[log in to unmask],com
From: TechNet-request
To: technet
Subject: Lables for Card Assemblies
Date: Thursday, October 10, 1996 12:26PM


We are looking to make our raw printed circuit cards more "friendly"
for labeling/barcoding/etc. at the assembled pc card level, particularly
for our OEM customer base.

I'd like to gather some data on what other assembly houses "like" and
"use" for labeling schemes.  Do you prefer adhesive labels or
some marking direct on the pc card?  does it help to have white ID
encircle the label location?

Any information, general or specific would be helpful.


Jim Herard
Product Quality Engineering
IBM Microelectronics, Endicott Printed Circuit Fabrication
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