Joseph Haimovich 

Sent you E-mail on 9/15 on  T Sonada as to some of his work on tin plating
and whiskers.  See by your 10/02 E-mail that you did not receive it.  Tried
to resend it to you, but yesterday I upgraded from AOL 2.5 to AOL 3.0 and
received an error signal that the file is no longer available.  At any rate
here it is again, I will send it to you and to technet so you will have two
     T. Sonada,  Plating and Surface Finishing, 79, No 10 (1992)
     T. Sonada, Plating and Surface Finishing, 82, No 3 (1995)
     T. Sonada, Metal Finsihing of Japan, 40, 306 (1989)

At the SMI conference in Sept 1996, Dr. Y. Zhang of Lucent Technologies gave
an interesting paper in which she studied some of the relationships of
 plating deposits and tin whiskers in a Paper entitled  "An Alternate Surface
Finish for Tin/Lead Solders".  She also referenced a paper that you gave at
an Electronic Component Conference in 1989.  Her paper had some other good
references back as far as some of Arnold's papers on whiskers.

The papers are published in the SMI Proceedings.  If you do not have a copy
of the paper let me know and I will run you a copy. 

Phil Hinton
Hinton PWB Engineering 
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