general, boards are baked above the boiling point of water, 212 degree F 
or 100 degree C and below the glass transformation temperature.   Lower 
baking conditions for longer times are also possible.  For fast drying use 
temperature 225 - 250 deg.F (105 - 120 deg C) for 2 hours. Only rarely is 
this insufficient, and longer prebake times may have to be used.  In our 
cases 2 hours bake cured the volatile problem.
Original Text
From: C=US/A=INTERNET/DDA=ID/TechNet-request(a), on 9/26/96 
12:36 PM:
We are looking for reports or other references for moisture release rates 
for different PWB substrate materials.  Also recommended prebake parameters 
for time and temperature in air and for other atmospheres. Any leads will 

Mel Parrish
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