
You are correct.  The wetting agents and the surfactants are 
non-ionic materials which are not detected by the Omegameter or 
the Ionigraph which only measures the concentration of the ionic 
materials which are soluble in the alcohol water solution.  
However, these non-ionic residues have a tendency to attract and 
absorb water onto the surface of the PWB.  As the water is 
absorbed it is polarized.  When a voltage deferential is applied 
across two adjacent traces the water ionizes forming a plating 
situation and dendritic growth occurs and eventually a short will 
develop.  So, even though your PWB appears clean according to the 
Omegameter or the Ionigraph, it is actually a potential problem 
when it gets to the field.  
(The differences I saw between boards cleaned by cascade and 
those cleaned by other methods ranged from 10 to the minus 11th 
ohms for others to below 10 to the minus 7th ohms for the cascade 
cleaned boards.  This was at 35 degrees C and 85% RH.)


______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Mild humor: RE: Walmart Supplies
Author:  [log in to unmask] at INET
Date:    9/26/96 10:55 AM

Man, and here I thought I heard some weird ones!  Great List - it went into 
my oddities file.  Thanks.

<< By the way, just what surface insulation resistance would one get on a 
board which 
 was washed in Cascade after hot air solder level?  I've understood it had
 tested and found it "passed" the "Omegameter" test.  Does that mean better
 60%? >>

In almost all cases, the SIR gets shot all to hell.  An additional 2-3 
decades drop due to the cascade.  The cause is surfactant and wetting agents 
which do not register on an Omegameter.  Harry O'Halloran also replied to my 
comment indicating he had seen drops like this.


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