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DuPont has sold over 100 automatic laminators (ASLs) over the 
last decade.  Sixty percent of these were originally equipped 
with wet lamination capability.  

Although, the number of PCB fabricators using wet lamination is 
small, this is misleading because wet lamination: 

*   Should only be used in print and etch.

*   In practice is only used in fine line acid print and etch.

*   Is mainly used by large fabricators.

In reality, the amount of resist that is wet laminated for acid 
print and etch is much higher than responses to TechNet would 

>From our view, wet lamination clearly improves conformation, 
which reduces opens and nicks for print and etch.  Most shops 
would prefer not to use wet lamination because of the performance 
and equipment related problems that can occur.  However, the 
bottom line is that for some fine line fabricators, yields are 
higher with wet lamination.

Sidney Cox
DuPont Electronic Material

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Posted: Thu, 19 Sep 96 00:00:01 -0400
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 96 19:16:01 -0400
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To: coxgs@a1
Subject: FAB:  Cut Sheet Lam

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Thanks for the responses on the Wet Lamination Questions.  Here's
the second part:  Most Automated Cut sheet laminators I've come
across are Dry Lamination versus Wet.  Does anyone run a Cut Sheet
Laminator using the Wet Lamination process or are all Automated Cut
Sheet Laminators Dry Lamination?  It would explain why the overwelming 
responses did not use Wet, if the last statement is true.  Please advise.


John Gulley

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