Sorry, you touched a nerve.  Judging quality by what you can produce is 
counter to what you should be trying to accomplish.  Quality should be 
judged by the customers (internal and external), their requirements and 
expectations.  If your quality system is nit-picking attributes that don't 
matter to all your customers, then controlling those attributes is a waste 
of time and money.  If you were controlling certain attributes before and 
can't meet those same requirements with the new process, then you are either 
saying the attributes never  really mattered or the customers' requirements 
and expectations don't matter.
From: TechNet-request
To: technet
Subject: CA Picard Exposure Frames
Date: Monday, September 16, 1996 6:16PM

We have just recently implemented the Picard Exposure Frames.  This system
has been performing very well registration and exposure wise, however; our
quality system for first piece inspection has opened some production 
Could anyone tell me what quality systems they are using and what system was
found that did not hurt their production.

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