Forwarded message:
Subj:    Sonada Papers 
Date:    96-09-15 19:55:15 EDT
From:    Hint pwb1
To:      [log in to unmask](josephhaimovich)


T. Sonada has written and contributed several papers to Plating and Surface
Finishiing and Surface Finishing of Japan.  A couple of US references are (1)
Plating and Surface Fin  79, 78, (Oct 1992) and (2) Plat. and Sur. Fin. 82,
3. (Mar. 1995). and (3) Sur. Fin. of Japan 40, 306 (1989).  Some University
Libraries carry the Japanese magazine in translated form, but many times I
have found they were missing copies.  I have heard the AESF of Orlando FL
(407-281-6441) has copies of Japan papers,  but have not made inquiries     

Phil Hinton
Hinton "pwb" Engineeriing
[log in to unmask]   

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