Check IPC-R-700C, "Suggested Guidelines for Modification, Rework & 
          Repair of Printed Boards & Assys.,"
          Greg Kilinski
          [log in to unmask]

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Subject: Unidentified subject!
Author:  [log in to unmask] at ccUnix
Date:    9/13/96 09:10 AM

We are looking for help to save some 4 layer boards that have a slight but 
unacceptable warp. The
warp occured when the books were taken apart too soon after lamination.  We 
looked at the construction and the layout and ruled them out as to 
contributing to the problem.
They did not have a proper cool down cycle. 
Does anyone know of a way to get rid of the warpage?
These parts are 12" x 9" x .062"
Thanks again,
Jim Moritz
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