Hi all --

The best laid plans of mice and humans sometimes goes astray, and that 
happened with my last post from dear ol'LLNL.  I sent the tombstone and 
"baby" characture back and forth from home to work several times to 
make sure it was right, what I found out is that the "save as" DOS.txt 
transfers the 1/2 character spacings between my PC clone/clone at home 
and my PowerMac at work, but not when it was sent our as pure ASCII the 
spacing were messed up --- very embarrassing -- but it's to late and 
done now, I apologize.

As mentioned before in a previous posting, I'm setting up a home / 
hobby / consulting business on the side so I can continue my activities 
in the IPC, technet and other interesting technical activities.

So as was listed in my bungled re-emerging "baby in diapers" I can be 
reached at the following:

Ralph Hersey
Ralph Hersey & Associates
3885 Mills Way
Livermore, CA 94550-3319
Phn:  510.447.8908 (temporary)
FAX: It's coming
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

Enough said/printed, now back to normal technet business.


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