Following from the EMPF HelpLine in Indianapolis, prepared by our Four Pi 
engineer, Tony Burnett:
"We do not use our 4PI in quite the manner this gentleman is describing, 
however he should be aware it will not make julienne fries.  (It makes a 
mean potato masher though!)  Anyway, the gentleman should consider the 5DX 
series only.  The 3DX systems are not as well supported and are very limited 
in capability.  The limitations include field of view which will affect his 
ability to look at fine pitch and coarse pitch devices with the same level 
of detail.  I would suggest that if he is interested, he could use our 
services here at the EMPF to become more familiar with the 5DX system and 
perhaps to program a couple of his assemblies.  We then could give him a 
sample of the data that he could expect from the equipment and make his own 
determination as to whether there is need to procure one of these systems. 
 At that point, if they do decide to purchase one of the pieces of 
equipment, their learning curve would be greatly reduced and they would be 
able to inspect their own product using the EMPF setup on the day the 
machine is installed at his facility." Contact the EMPF HelpLine directly at 
317.226.5616 for additional information.
From: TechNet-request
Date:  13 Feb 96 1:33PM
From: BOB HOENE <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: X-ray inspection and process analysis.
Resent-Sender: [log in to unmask]
We are considering the efficacy of implementing x-ray process analysis
in line with our smt assembly line. The system we are considering is
manufactured by Four Pi systems and would be either their 3DX or 5DX
instrument. Before we get too far down the path, we would like to hear
any commentary from users of this system or similar systems as to their
real worth. Their sales data paints a pretty rosy picture and purports
substantial improvements in throughput and reduced costs allocated for
inspection, rework, warranty dollars, and lost margin. No doubt it may
even make mounds and mounds of julienne fries. Worth our time to
continue looking at this? No competitive sales pitches please.

Bob Hoene
Marquette Electronics, Inc.
Milwaukee, WI