I am the person that had contacted Odis.  I am including the original 
message that I had sent him.

Original message:
A couple of us are working on forming a Chapter in the Phoenix area and 
would appreciate any advice you could offer, perhaps a list of things to do 
and things to avoid.   We have scheduled our first meeting in three weeks. 
 Some questions that I have are:

1) When do you meet?

2) Dues - how much and are the companies that the people work for paying the 
dues or are the individuals paying them?  At what point should you start 
collecting dues?

3) Do you recommend electing officers right away or keeping it informal for 
a few meetings?

4) Do you have separate officers meetings to take care of business or do you 
conduct the business as part of the regular meetings?

5) What do you suggest as the agenda for the first meeting?  Do you 
recommend having a technical presentation at the first meeting?

6) Is your membership limited to Designers or do you have fabrication and 
assembly people involved as well?

Any advice will be appreciated.


Lewis Burnett
Phone:  (602) 436-4744
E-mail:  [log in to unmask]

From: [log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: <<ARIZONA!!>> Are you there?
Date: Tuesday, April 23, 1996 7:53AM

  To whom it may concern,

  I need some help finding someone.  I need the name and phone number of the
 gentleman that is starting up the designers council chapter in Arizona.  He 
 contacted the Austin, Texas chapter president for info on getting a chapter
 started.  Unfortunately, Odis has missplaced his name and number. Any
 help in locating this person would be appreciated.
  Roy (KOKOMO) Gamez