     I also use "PCGerber II", a subset of the "CAM350 Family", on my 
     notebook computer (75Mhz CPU and 24 MB of RAM) running under Windows 
     3.1.  This CAM software is also available in UNIX user interface.   
     I use it in my role as a field engineer for a leading board fabricator to 
     preview/review customers' designs for producibility.  I have also used 
     the DOS based "GCPrevue" software; I prefer to use "PCGerber II". 
     You can download a demo copy of the "CAM350 Family" software from: 
     Advanced CAM Technologies, Inc.  (formerly "CAD Solutions Software") 
     16450 Los Gatos Blvd., #110
     Los Gatos, CA 95032 
     Phone:    408/358-4680
     Fax:      408/358-4691   
     BBS:      408/358-4696
     Keep in mind that, even with RS-274-X format, any custom apertures 
     (such as unique thermals) will still need to be defined via paper 
     Dave Wolf 612/893-1466
     [log in to unmask]
     _____________________ Reply Separator ______________________________ 
     Subject: RE: RS-274-X Gerber Viewers
     Author:  [log in to unmask] at SMTPLINK-HADCO 
     Date:    3/27/96 1:22 PM
     I have used two products successfully.
     1.  CAM350 from ACT @ 408-358-4680.  They have a viewer called 
     GerberView II.
     2. GCCAM from Graphicode @  206-672-1980.  They also have a viewer 
     called GCVue.
     They both support RS-274-X with support for G36 and G37 polygon 
     fill.  They both also run under Windows and Unix.
     I am curious to know what Design product you use to output X data 
     with G36/G37 and the version number.
George Murray
Gerber Systems Corporation
[log in to unmask]
From: DesignerCouncil-request
To: DesignerCouncil
Cc: kevin.seaman
Subject: RS-274-X Gerber Viewers
Date: Tuesday, March 26, 1996 3:55PM
PC Designers,
What software do you use to view RS-274-X gerber files?
Does it support G36/G37 polygon fill?
Does it run under UNIX or Windows-Etc?
Thank you and have a FANTASTIC day!
Kevin L. Seaman
[log in to unmask]
(714) 221-4752