Several people have E_Mailed me on how to get a copy of the RS-274-X
viewers. Contacting ACT seems to be the best way to get CAM350, because
a search of the WWW didn't turn up anything. I found GC_Prevue at several
locations on the web:

 Alberta Printed Circuits, I'm not sure if this is the latest version. They
do have an informative web page.

 An interesting web page from South Africa.


Murray, George @ GSC[SMTP:[log in to unmask]] wrote:
->I have used two products succesfully.
->1.  CAM350 from ACT @ 408-358-4680.  They have a viewer called GerberView 
->2. GCCAM from Graphicode @  206-672-1980.  They also have a viewer called 
->They both support RS-274-X with support for G36 and G37 polygon fill.  They 
->both also run under Windows and Unix.
->I am curious to know what Design product you use to output X data with 
->G36/G37 and the version number.
->George Murray
->Gerber Systems Corporation
->[log in to unmask]
Ross LaGue            < [log in to unmask] >          Dayton, Ohio