>>>The Problem I see now is everyone I talk to thinks the whole
certification process is a JOKE ..... I really think this programs going no
>>>IMHO I wholeheartly agree
( Note: names deleted because it is not relevant who posted )

Ok, here we go. 
 First, no one expected the first cut to be perfect. Anyone who did was 
either fooling themselves or a fool.
 Second, anyone who has heard about the Certification Process is probably 
aware that it has been in process since late 1993/ early 1994. To get involved
took a phone call or email. Not too complicated for a PCB Designer. However,
it was much more difficult to generated a certification program from ground
zero than to sit back and wait for someone else to do all the work, then 
complain because you don't like it for whatever reason.
 Third, it's always easier to take shots at projects or even people via email 
or written publications than to spend hours, days, weekends of your own time 
working on a project you HOPE will benefit everyone in your field.
 Fourth, this isn't for everyone. It is not a rubber stamp. It is a valiant 
attempt to show you are willing to put some work into improving yourself,
not just showing up for work each day and complaining you "git no respect".
 Now that I've said that, what is the real problem?
The Certification Process is always going to change. It has to in order to stay 
current. If you have a legitimate complaint, let's discuss how to improve 
the process. To say it is "a JOKE" does nobody any good. 
 Remember, the entire certification process was developed by PCB Designers,
for PCB Designers, with input from IPC and Drake testing facility. It was not 
produced by someone outside the design field with no interest other than making a buck.
 Open and HONEST discussion always encouraged.

 John Sabo 
 email:[log in to unmask]