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Meeting notes: Long Island Chapter of the IPC Designers Council

Our Chapter held it's first in a series roundtable discussions on March 12th. Surface mount land pattern design was the main topic. Members and guests also had an opportunity to take a tour of the Assembly Department at Miteq. A few Manufacturing Engineers from other companies on Long Island also participated. We viewed slides and discussed our experiences and objectives. The general goal was to work collectively as a group and everyone felt things went very well.

At the close of the meeting we set up groups which will lead us into the next meeting. Plans were made to investigate specialized topics such as placing feed through vias directly on the surface mount pad. In addition, three major companies in the area arranged to jointly manufacture and test some new ideas in land patterns design. The results of these test will be discussed at our next meeting. 

The Long Island Chapter plans to meet on the second Tuesday of every other month. Our next meeting will be in May. Anyone interested in becoming active in a specialized group, or in the our management core group, should contact Ron Ryan,  email [log in to unmask]    phone (516) 344-6068.

For membership information, please contact:
	Ed Tordahl,   Fiber Options e-mail e-mail [log in to unmask]   phone (516) 567-8320  

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