We have recently purchased the Pads PowerPCB 500 system to replace the PCAD 
system we have been using for the last ten years.

Our serch for a new system included was quickly narrowed down to PowerPCB, 
TangoPRO, and Intergraph's VeriBest.

Then Pads system is much more powerful and even more user-friendly than 
TangoPRO, although the full-blown PowerPCB 500 system is is about $10K to 
$15K more.

The Pads and Intergraph were very close in power, with the Pads being a 
little more easy to use.  The Intergraph is probably the more powerful of the 
two systems though.  Intergraph was about $30K at the time and our PowerPCB 
500 is running for about $17K (we paid $9K).

Based on the price and performance, and ease of use, PowerPCB seems to be the 
way to go.

I would love to hear other people's opinions too.