The only item to watch out with direct connection to the plane is the 
     pink ring condition.  Although it is not a functional defect but 
     aesthetically the boards may not be good.  The amount of pink ring on 
     your board is a function of quality of your fab supplier.  Please make 
     a note of this.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Design (fwd)
Author:  [log in to unmask] at corp
Date:    9/17/96 08:52 AM

 I use a direct connection for vias also, the only thing to watch
for is the distance from via to smd pin connecting trace & width.  =
And of course if you use via in pad, then you still need the thermal relief.=
__________cut here______________
This discussion brings up another point....
Does it make sense to use thermal connections on vias? 
Thermals were originally used on thru hole comps to increase
solderability of the leads, but now that is not necessary for SMT. 
Is there any reason to use them for vias? =
I've been using direct connection to the inner planes.
Tom Kavendek
Lucent Technologies
Murray Hill, N.J.
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