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Three Rivers Designers Council
For Pittsburgh and the Tri-state area

`Everything comes together at the Three Rivers Designers Council'

Contact the 3RDC Steering Committee :

Jeff Imes			PH 412-349-1811	email : [log in to unmask]
Jamie Morrow		PH 717-944-9560	email : [log in to unmask]
Lou Takach			PH 412-688-2574	email : [log in to unmask]
Joseph Zdybowicz	PH 412-772-6552	email : [log in to unmask]

The steering committee met on July 30th and prior to the general membership 
meeting on August 8th. to discuss the following topics.

First of all, I'd like to thank Joe Zdybowicz and FORE Systems for hosting 
July 30th. meeting.

We discussed .....

The creation of a `Mission Statement'
The status of our `Information distribution plan'
The status of our `Web page design and content'
The creation of an `Attendance tracking method'
The creation of an `Information Archiving system'
Different methods `Fund raisers'

Joe Z. Has worked on our mission statement. What he came up with is :

	"The Three Rivers Designers Council is an organization for 
professionals in all areas related to PCB (printed circuit board) design, 
fabrication and assembly. Although the council is open for anyone to attend,
 our members primarily consist of PCB Designers, manufacturing engineers, 
PCB fabricators and assemblers. Our mission is to provide a professional 
forum for information exchange and technical instruction, while serving to 
enhance our member's expertise and abilities in the PCB field."

This sounds good to me....  Modifications, however, need to be made to 
include a reference to "Pittsburgh and surrounding areas" or "Pittsburgh 
and the Tri-State area".

Lou Takach and Jamie Morrow will take on the responsibility of information 
distribution and archiving. They will work in a "primary" and "secondary" 
roll, backing up each other. Lou will handle meeting minutes, chapter 
announcements and the distribution of this information to the group while 
Jamie will handle the archiving of any "hard copy" information used during 

Jeff has already started work on our Web page. It will be used as an 
information source not only for our chapter but for any designers or 
engineers that have internet access. Since it will take some time to create 
and design the necessary pages, Jeff will start with the following 
information :

	o The member list
	o Meeting minutes both current and an archive of previous minutes.
	o Meeting announcements
	o Links to various technical pages and Cad pages.
	o Links to the IPC home page
	o Any other PCB related links

If you have an interesting link that is appropriate to PCB design, 
fabrication and 
assembly, e-mail it to Jeff Imes at the following address 
[log in to unmask]

For statistical purposes, Jamie will start to track attendance. This 
information can be used to entice future speakers in that if we can show 
them that we consistently have a large attendance, they may be more willing 
to give a presentation. 

Jamie volunteered to maintain an archive of all "hard copy" information 
presented at our meetings. In doing so, a reference library will be created 
and be accessible to all of our members.

The last topic that was discussed was fundraising. Most of the funds 
necessary to run this chapter will be obtained from member dues. Other ways 
of raising funds were also discussed. This money will be used where 
necessary in the operation of our chapter and also fund events such as 
yearly picnics, Pirate game outings etc.
The steering committee met again prior to the general membership meeting on 
August 8th. The following items were discussed.

	o	Review of the items discussed at the 7-30 meeting
	o	Forwarding of information to Jeff (to be included on our WEB 
	o	Contact with the Pittsburgh High Tech Council
	o	Discussed the appointment of officers (President, Vice President,
 							Secretary and Treasurer
	o	Additional officers will be added as needed such as a 
`Membership 						Officer', a `Certification 
Officer' etc.
	o	Additional help !
	o	IPC Certification and Training
	o	Creation of an email header
	o	IPC affiliation
	o	Creation of a "government"

A review of the previous steering committee meeting was held. It was 
confirmed that:

Lou will handle all announcements to the group using the information 
distribution system that was implemented. Lou will also take the meeting 
minutes and distribute them along with any announcements to the group. 
Along with distributing announcements and meeting minutes, he will also 
forward this information to Jeff for inclusion in our WEB page.

Jamie will continue to track attendance and archive all "hard copy" meeting 
information.  Whenever new members or visitors are added to the master list,
 he will forward this information to Lou so that they can be added to the 
distribution list. Jamie also contacted the Pittsburgh High Technology 
Council. We are going to be added to their membership list. Jamie is also 
going to obtain their membership directory. We can use this to, hopefully, 
attract additional members.
Jamie is also going to be our membership officer.

Jeff is involved in establishing our WEB page. It looks great !!. Jeff is 
also investigating IPC affiliation issues, tax ID numbers, fictitious name 
etc. Jeff is going to be our IPC Certification officer.

Joe has been busy coming up with our mission statement, help needed 
information sheet, email header standardization and other managerial tasks. 
Joe has taken the lead in organizing this chapter and moving us forward.

The steering committee also discussed the creation of a government and 
appointment of officers. Since this chapter is new and everyone is trying 
to "get to know" each other, it would be difficult to elect officers this 
year. With that said, it was decided that the officers would be the members 
of the steering committee. A formal election will be held next year. The 
appointments are :

PRESIDENT - Joseph Zdybowicz
SECRETARY - Lou Takach
SECRETARY - Jamie Morrow
TREASURER - Jeff Imes (acting)

Other officers :
Membership officer - Jamie Morrow
Certification officer - Jeff Imes

Other officer positions will be created as needed. If you wish to 
participate in the steering committee or possibly be an officer, please get 
in touch with one of the current steering committee members.


First of all, we would like to thank Jamie Morrow and Tom Coyle from Hadco 
for sponsoring this meeting and providing refreshments.

Today's meeting was about IPC Designers Council affiliation and 
Certification procedures. The presentation was given by the distinguished 
Dieter Bergman from the IPC. It was an honor to have Dieter at our chapter 

Dieter talked about :

	o	History of and general council information
	o	An explanation of the IPC "technet" and "designers council" 
	o	Chapter by-laws
	o	The need for a core group of individuals to run the chapter
	o	The need for a chapter purchasing agent
	o	Dues
	o	An information kit used for chapter incorporation
	o	Explained the history and current practices of Designer 
		A CD-ROM is available for training !

Thanks again Dieter for taking the time to talk with us !

Our next general membership meeting will be held September 17th. at 7:00pm 
and will be sponsored by Union Switch & Signal Inc. Directions are 
available upon request. The topic will be OSP's and be presented by Tom 
Eshelman from Enthone.

The next committee meeting  will be held on August 27th. 
Possible topics to discuss are :

	o	Chapter incorporation : Jamie to bring incorporation kit.
	o	Chapter by-laws : Jeff is looking into this.
	o	Sponsors
	o	"Fun things"
	o	Gary Ferrari and his newsletter

Lou Takach

Union Switch & Signal Inc.
412.688.2574 (voice)
412.688.2399 (fax)
[log in to unmask]

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