Three Rivers Designers Council
Pittsburgh,  PA 
( and surrounding areas )

July 9th. 1996 meeting minutes

First of all, I'd like to thank Joe Zdybowicz and FORE Systems for 
hosting this meeting.

The steering committee met prior to the general meeting to discuss 
future plans and direction for our chapter. Topics for future chapter 
meetings and presentations included :

CAD Tools	
EDA Platforms
Surface finishes / plating finishes (OSP's vs. Gold vs. HASL)
Design for test
In circuit testing
Assembly & cleaning of 2 sided mixed technology boards
Via finishing with respect to testing
Gerber CAM software
IPC designer certification study guide
How a board is built
IPC affiliation

The creation of a local WEB page and an information distribution 
method were issues also discussed by the steering committee. Lou Takach 
and Jeff Imes are looking into the WEB page creation.

Two topics for future meetings (September and October) are being 
researched.  Joe Z.  is searching for someone to give a presentation on 
in circuit testing. Lou Takach is looking for someone to speak about OSP's. 

Jeff Imes is looking into obtaining the designer certification study guide 
for our members to use in preparation for the test.

It was also requested that, after we are a formal chapter, a membership 
directory be established and made available everyone.
The presentation for today's meeting was  "DESIGN FOR MANUFACTURABILITY, 
SURFACE MOUNT TECHNOLOGY " and was presented by John Morgan 
from FORE Systems. 

Good job John and thanks !!

The topics that John covered were :

-Design Guidelines and cost trade off's
-Land patterns
-Mixed technology
-ICT considerations

A discussion and question and answer session followed John's presentation.

The next meeting will be held August 7th, 1996 at the Harmarville Holiday 
We will be meeting with Dieter Bergman from the IPC and talk about IPC 
designers Council affiliation requirements.

For those of you who are interested, the IPC and Triangle Circuits in 
Oakmont, PA 
are sponsoring a workshop covering design for manufacturability issues. 
The workshop will be August 8th and 9th. Contact Linda Tillman 
at 847.509.9700 extension 324 for additional information.

Today's meeting attendees included :

Andy Barron, Adtranz
Hank Boehm, Robicon Corp.
Bob Wershbale, Union Switch & Signal
Jamie Morrow, Hadco
Rodger Fletcher, Fore Systems
Scott Hutchison, Fore Systems
Joseph Zdybowicz, Fore Systems
Ed Paulock, Medrad
Dave Piccoli, Mine Safety Appliance
Lou Takach, Union Switch & Signal
Tim Maiese, Medrad
Raymond (Tom) Callihan, Adtranz
Tom Coyle, Hadco
Jeff Imes, BioControl Technology
Bill O'Hella, Medrad
Paul Schramm, Adtranz
Lloyd King, Adtranz
John Lux, BioControl Technology
Sharon Bratton, BioControl Technology

If you have any comments, suggestions or questions please 
feel free to contact :

Joe Zdybowicz ([log in to unmask])
Jeff Imes ([log in to unmask])
Lou Takach ([log in to unmask])
Jamie Morrow ([log in to unmask])

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