I don't know how many people get the OPPT Newsbreak each day, but here is   
today's.  It has an interesting article (which I clipped out an attached   
below) about Maryland deciding to join Massachusetts and New Jersey in   
requiring companies to file chemical use data.  I haven't seen the   
original article.  If someone does get a copy, I would be interested in   
reading it.  I will reiterate what I said at the IPC EXPO, that I do   
think that this will become a requirement.

John Sharp
Merix Corporation
Forest Grove, OR
503-992-4351 Phone
503-359-1040 FAX
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          OPPT NEWSBREAK                Thursday, 20 March 1997
          Today's "Toxic News for the Net" brought to you by the OPPT


          "Coming Clean on Toxic Chemicals [Maryland General Assembly]."   

          Washington Post, 20 March 97, D6.
               In a test vote, the Maryland Senate approved by a vote of   
               to 23 a bill requiring large users of toxic chemicals to
               report to the state which regulated chemicals they use and   

               how much they use each year.  If the bill passes a final
               Senate vote later this week the bill will then go to the
               House of Delegates.

         * All items, unless indicated otherwise, are available at the
          U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
          Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) Library
          Northeast Mall, Room B606 (Mailcode 7407)
          (202) 260-3944; FAX x4659;
          email for comments: [log in to unmask]

        (Due to copyright restrictions, the library cannot provide
          photocopies of articles.)

          * Viewpoints expressed in the above articles do not necessarily   

          reflect EPA policy.  Mention of products does not indicate
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