Holly et al,
        There are several non-rosin based fluxes available. This company should 
check with his/her flux/solder supplier. Once they change to the non-rosin based
flux, they can then deflux the boards with hot DI water as we do.   Lee Wilmot
                                                                    HADCO Corp
                                                               [log in to unmask]
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: FW: solder flux residue
Author:  [log in to unmask] at SMTPLINK-HADCO
Date:    7/3/97 6:16 PM
Dear Compliancenetters -
I received this message via a pollution prevention listserve to which I = 
subscribe.  Does anyone know of more environmentally benign ways to = 
remove solder residue?  I imagine that this issue has arise in the = 
electronic interconnection industry.  Please respond to me and I will = 
Thank you!
Holly Lynch
[log in to unmask]
Director of Environmental and Safety Programs, IPC
From:  NEIL KOLWEY[SMTP:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent:  Thursday, July 03, 1997 1:36 PM
To:  [log in to unmask]
Subject:  solder flux residue
Some fluxes contain a "rosin" as one of the active ingredients. 
Apparently this rosin leaves a residue, which must be removed after the 
solder is applied. A small company in Colorado is currently using a = 
degreaser with perc to remove this residue. Does anyone have any 
experience with any safer alternatives?=20
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