I am doing a little research.  How many IPC members are facing some sort of
regulations concerning employee commuting?  Here in the Portland, OR-Vancouver, 
WA air shed, we are looking at having to reduce the number of single occupant
vehicle trips onto our facilities by 10% over the next 3 years, or show a
good faith effort.  Since this is coming out of the Attainment Area Air 
Quality Maintenence Plan, it has fallen to my lot to deal with this.  This 
rule only affects employers with more than 50 employees at a single site.
I know that employers in Washington state, and in some areas of California
have a similar rule. 

This Employee Commute Option Rule (or ECO-Rule) has provisions that employers
must encourage car pooling or van pooling to reduce trips.  I've been looking
at ways of providing maps of employee homes, and I have found a fairly
inexpensive option.  It only costs ~$120 vs. some of the geocoding software
that costs thousands of dollars.

So, if there is any interest, I can send more detailed information out on the 
ComplianceNet.  If anyone is curious, let me know.

John Sharp
Merix Corporation
Forest Grove, OR Operations
503-359-9300 (ext. 5-4351)
503-359-1040 FAX
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