     Here at Hitachi Computer Products Division (Norman, OK) we introduce  
     bareboards to extreme environmental tests.  These tests are 
     representative of 10 years of fault free life.  However, these tests 
     are extremely long and cut into our overall product life cycle.  
     Without sacrificing bareboard quality, I am needing a time to 
     temperature ratio for Humidity testing.
     Our Humidity tests parameters are:
     a. >=800hrs 
     b. 80?C (176?F)
     c. 90%RH
     d. R>10E9ohms @ 250VDC
     e. test times are every 50 hrs until 250, then at 500 and 800
     purpose:  we are evaluating the absorption and diffusion of moisture 
     and moisture vapor.  We are also checking metal migration, metal 
     through migration and metal surface migration (SIR).
     Can anyone provide a time:temperature ratio for SIR testing?
     i.e..  for every degree increased or humidity, time can be increased 
     or decreased by such.
     Please call and e:mail asap.  Thank you.
     Thomas John Gulley (PCB Project Engineer)
     e:mail [log in to unmask]
     405-360-5500 x634
     For several years I have been testing our customer bareboards