I have read IPC-MC-790 which is Guidelines for MCM technology
     utilization. My real direction was to find inspectional (visual)
     criteria which it then rolls you over to MIL-STD-883. I acquired
     that spec. (BOOK) Can anyone direct me to which 1/2" portion of the
     spec that I may find reference to Inspectional visual criteria?
     Or would this criteria be better addressed in the previous mentioned 
     IPC specs?
     Any responses will be greatly appreciated.
     [log in to unmask]

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: MCM-L Documentation
Author:  [log in to unmask] at SMTPLINK-HADCO
Date:    11/30/95 1:06 AM

IPC has task groups developing the following specifications:
IPC-D-2225, Sectional Design Standard for Multichip Modules (MCM-Ls) and 
MCM-L Assemblies
IPC-6015 Performance Specification for Organic Multichip Module 
Structures (MCM-L)
Each task group will next meet in Tempe, AZ during the week of January 
15, 1996. Contact Lisa Williams, IPC, for more information about joining 
the task groups.
Mike Buetow
IPC Technical Staff
2215 Sanders Road
Northbrook, IL 60062-6135
T: 708-509-9700
F: 708-509-9798
[log in to unmask]
On 29 Nov 1995, APeder01 wrote:
>           Is there any IPC documentation for design and/or
>           acceptability of MCM-Ls?  If not, is there some in process, 
>           or do we use IPC-D-275 and IPC-RB-276 the best we can?