I have copies of the signed documents regarding 2000A, QQ-S-571F, 14256F, 
and adoption notices for J-STD-004, 5, and 6 that I would be glad to 
fax/mail to anyone who wishes them. Sorry they are electronic. Please 
respond to me directly by e-mail/phone so we don't add unnecessary msgs on 
the forum. Jack Crawford, EMPF HelpLine Manager 317-226-5616 fax 
317-226-5615 e-mail [log in to unmask]
From: TechNet-request
To: rpaulauskas
Cc: TechNet
Subject: Re: Mil Standard Replacements
Date:  9 Dec 95 2:43PM

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Date: Sat, 9 Dec 1995 14:43:46 -0600 (CST)
From: David Bergman <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Mil Standard Replacements
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Per your request, please see below:
David W. Bergman, Technical Director
2215 Sanders Road
Northbrook, IL  60062-6135
708-509-9700 x340 Phone
708-509-9798 Fax
email  [log in to unmask]

On Fri, 8 Dec 1995 [log in to unmask] wrote:

>      December 8, 1995
>      I seem to remember some time back seeing an E-Mail on this forum
>      regarding the cancellation of certain Mil Standards (Mil-Std 105 in
>      particular) and then being replaced with ANSI standards. If anyone
>      recalls this posting or can point me in the right direction to get 
>      desired information, I would be most appreciative.
>      Thanks in advance.
>      Rich Paulauskas
>      VICOR Corporation
>      Andover, MA
>      email:  [log in to unmask]
>From [log in to unmask] Sat Dec  9 14:42:46 1995
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 15:23 CST
From: Nanci Baggett <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: fwd: IPC & MIL-STD specs

I can reply on some of the specs you are concerned with.  The information I
have was obtained from DESC back in June of this year.  Contact Desc and
request an update to the status of what is referred to as "HOT 62".  This is
list of mil specs up for review to determine to keep, replace or delete.

Mil-Q-9858      Inactive for new design with changes to DFARS and cancel in 

            October 1996

Mil-STD-105     Cancelled by NOTICE 1 dated Feb. 27, 1995.  Future
                should refer to sampling procedures such as ANSI/ASQC

Mil-STD 45662   Canceled by NOTICE 2 dated Feb. 27, 1995.  Future
               should refer to ANSI/NCSL Z540-1, ISO 10012-1 or something 


Hope this helps.
Nanci Baggett
Texas Instruments
[log in to unmask]
Original Text
>From EMurphy @ SMTP (Ed Murphy) [log in to unmask], on
10/18/95 03:11 PM:
To: technet @ SMTP (technet) [log in to unmask]

Hello all,

I am trying to find out if document numbers are still current.  If they

are not, would somebody please tell what the new numbers are or where
I can find this information.
the document numbers are:

        MIL I 45208A (Inspection systems Requirements)

        MIL Q 9858    (Quality Program Requirements)

        MIL C 45662  (Calibration System Requirement)

        MIL-STD-883  (Test Methods & Procedures)

        MIL-STD-810  (Enviromental Test Methods)

        MIL-STD-105  (Sampling procedures and Tables for Inspection
                                   by attribute)

        IPC-ML-910A  (Printed Circuit Board Material)

        IPC-ML-950C  (Printed Circuit Board Performance)

Thank in advance
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