In my experience the current IPC test used by laminators to check dimensional 
stability has no correlation to dimensional stability results after multilayer 
lamination at a PCB shop.  Is IPC investigating a different test method or 
does any PCB shop have there own "dimensional check" for incoming laminate.  
I'm working on this issue at our facility and I'd like to swap ideas with 
other PCB shops.

Thanks in advance for any response.

Paul Formiller
Process Engineer - Merix Loveland
[log in to unmask]
phone (970)-203-6663 pager (970)-593-5562 fax (970)-203-6751

           I have run into the same problem.  We have developed a test
         that compares to the IPC method, but is more relevant for a
         PCB shop.  In general, we do something like the IPC test but
         on a larger scale, continuing the test piece through a
         relamination step.  The problem is that it probably isn't
         useful for an incoming laminate check, since it takes longer
         to complete and you most likely don't want to sit on an
         inventory of laminate waiting for results.  Therefore, this
         is best used as a dimensional stability test vehicle or a
         process control tool.
           However, we are working on a procedure like this that can
         be completed quickly.  If you would like to talk more about
         this I can be reached at:

         Ed Kelley 
         Senior Engineer
         Hadco Corporation
         Phone (607) 687-3425  Fax (607) 687-7457
         E-Mail [log in to unmask]   or  [log in to unmask]