The following may be of interest regarding two recent querries, 
     "Component Trends" and "Discretes on PWBs" [attached] :
     The Integrated Electronics Engineering Center of the T. J. Watson 
     School Of Engineering and Appl. Science, State Univ. of New York at 
     Binghamton, is presenting its 6th Annual Electronics Packaging 
     Symposium, on 7/13/95 & 7/14/95.
     One topic of interest from the Symposium may be Ronald C. Lasky's 
     talk "The Explosive Growth of Passive Discrete Components". 
     ...excerpts from the abstract: 
     "In the last ten years, the percentage of passive discrete components 
     on PCB's has grown from 30 to 80% of the component count. This trend 
     is susprising to many people as there is an expectation that, with 
     integration, this trend should go the other way...The reasons for this 
     trend will be discussed as well as the effect it has on package and 
     packaging assembly. The status of packaging paradigm shifts to address 
     this problem of too many passive discretes, such as passives buried in 
     the PCB or flex circuit will also be reviewed."
     Dr. Lasky held mgt and technical positions in electronics and optomech 
     pkg at IBM for more than 20 years...he recently joined Universal 
     Instruments as Dir. of Advanced Technology....
     Contact the School for additional Symposium information at:
     good luck...
     ...michael [log in to unmask]
     We are considering replacing our present pick and place machine (10 
     yrs old) with a modern system.  My management is concerned that 
     whatever we purchase today might be obsolete in 3-5 years.  The system 
     which I have in mind has the capability of placing 15 mil pitch leaded 
     components, 0402s, and BGAs, pretty much the latest technologies.
     My question is this, does anyone have a grasp on where component 
     trends are leading?  Is component packaging going to be smaller still 
     (than 0402s) or a different technology altogether which will render my 
     state-of-the-art placement system obsolete?  What does the future hold 
     for components and placement systems?
     Two items for which I am seeking help:
     1. I am looking for information on the maximum size of ceramic 
     capacitor/resistor components recommended for soldering on FR4. Papers 
     have suggested a limit of 1206 (or 1810/1812 if the termination is 
     I realise that some discussion took place on this subject via TechNet 
     already - unfortunately before it became relevant to me.
     I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or copies of messages from 
     the previous discussion.
     2. Any information or paper references for reliability data of ceramic 
     PGAs soldered to FR4 would be much appreciated.
     Rory Doyle
     Rory Doyle            [log in to unmask]
     National Microelectronics Research Centre, Prospect Row,  Cork, 
     Direct Line: + 353 21 904110
     Switch: + 353 21 276871            Fax: + 353 21 270271