Re: tilted racks in electroless plating

We did some research in the lab on this subject for an article, the writing
of which is forever being postponed.  We measured the drain time, by actually
weighing a panel as it was pulled from a bath, and plotted the weight over
time.  This was done by suspending the panel from a digital scale, and noting
the weight readout as a function of time.

We tested panels suspended level, and tilted in the X-Y axis.

We were stunned to learn that the tilting made essentially no difference in
the drain rate.   We did not investigate tilting in the Z axis.

To give this audience the summation of the work, you do not buy yourself
anything significant, in terms of draining, for hold times over 40 seconds.
 This was done with 18" X 24" panels, with the long dimension horizontal.

You do definitely buy yourself significantly improved drainage by holding for
at least 30 seconds after the bottom of the panel has cleared the bath.

Rudy Sedlak
RD Chemical