-- [ From: Doug Jeffery * EMC.Ver #2.10P ] --

On  10/21  Jerry Cupples  inquried?

> I would be anxious to hear from some. Hadco says they love it.

In response to Jamie Baumgart's question:

>     2)  Don't most CAM/photoplotters/laser plotters handle this

As a Fabricator I have loved the change to RS274X, or MDA autoplot, or
the addition of aperature reading scripts by my CAM vendor...We seem to
be able to "auto read" all be the oldest of CAD systems directly in..So,
Unless You are using Autocad....(very poor gerber conversions)....or
other systems that have not had an update in the last 3 years your
talbes are probably readable in most CAM systems or you can output an
embbeded aperture format..

The best feature is the MDA format alows for creation of "special"
apertures that can go directly to the plotter..Very nice feature.

I have not had any problems with the Embedded formats "changing" and
aperture, however I have had customers send in 274X data thinking they
had output something one way and it was really another..so, please
provide a reference file for verifiaction.

We work in fully embedded files from the reciept of the data, and no
typing is done after the intial input.. I would say that 70% of our
input today is auto load...(either 274X or readable tables).

Doug Jeffery