The design guides for MIL-STD-275 and IPC-D-275 require non-functional pads 
on all layers of a multilayer PWB.  Can manufacturers remove them an their 

On one Rigid-Flex_rigid design
the board wouldn't stay laminated at vendor A.
Vendor B would only do the job with the Non-Functional Pads removed.
boards from both vendors with NFP's removed are doing well, thank you.

(14 layers > pads only, 8 flex & 2 ground planes)

We had concirns, but the "stack" of vias did not allow the acrylic
to bond properly to the area adjcient to the pads. (espically in
high density connector areas)  

Bill Gaines
AeroJet (for $)         IHPVA   (for speed & fun)
IEPS    (for info)      SCCA    (for trophys)    
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