A futher comment to Jerry Cupples comments on "use the smallest wire you can"
and James Moffitt's note amout checking for current capacity.

On one design that I was involved in finding a "fix" for, a board redesign
was determined not to be an option. (The driver ic didn't have enough
"horsepower" to drive the routed line accross the pwb!)

Analsys and test showed that a 27awg wire routed on the top of the pwb
had half the capacitance of a trace inside the board.  
(about 2pf/in for a wire)

I used the Pacific Numerics 2D "Parisitic Parameters" software & had good
correlation with measured data.

Bill Gaines
AeroJet (for $)         IHPVA   (for speed & fun)
IEPS    (for info)      SCCA    (for trophys)    
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