In message <[log in to unmask]> Leo Reynolds writes:
> The problem we are facing is that a customer is having us hold SMT 
> devices for next years production.  We have some materials in storage 
> for 6 months already and by the time the material is in use, some may be 
> over one year.  In the past one customer who held material, for 15 
> months and then found it was unsolderable, scrapped over $100,000 worth.

You might also consider the use of 3M Corrosion Control Adsorber, a paper 
product which can be placed into storage bags of pcb's or components. It 
adsorbs from the atmosphere pollutants like sulphur dioxide which lead to 
corrosion, oxidation, etc. 

Contact: Layton Marketing  Tel: 612 779 8000

Peter Swanson                                         Oxfordshire, England
[log in to unmask]                         Compuserve: 100120,3641

    Time is an illusion perpetuated by the manufacturers of space.