One thing to look at is the volume of PCB's run thru the Wave solder. 
     We use on the average of about 2000 lb's of solder per month per 
     machine (Electovert Ultrapak). We run on an average about 70,000 board 
     per Month , Because of the amount of new solder being introduced into 
     the pot contamination usually is not an issue (last pot change was 
     about 2 years ago. The frequency of the Tesing of your solder pot 
     could also be moved up, say if you are testing every 3 mo. then bump 
     it up to once month or so.
     Hope this helps you 
     ERic Bernal Process Engineer at Pragmatech, Sunnyvale, Ca
     [log in to unmask]

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Subject: solubility of gold into solder pot from Ni-Au board
Author:  [log in to unmask] at ~INTERNET
Date:    8/29/95 10:03 AM

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     We are studying use of Ni-Au plated circuit boards. One concern which 
     arose is that some of the gold will be dissolved as the board crosses 
     the solder wave and gradually contaminate the pot. Is this a valid 
     We have never had a copper contamination problem even though we solder 
     many copper boards. We use a dual wave solder and RMA flux.
     Allen Ahlert
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