One of our customers has a product that may do what you're looking

     Circuit Repair Corp.
     108 Turnpike
     Rowley, MA   01969

     Phone (508) 948-7973
     FAX (508) 948-2365

     Andy Magee - Applications Engineer
     Rogers - Circuit Materials Unit
     Phone: (602) 917-5237
     FAX: (602) 917-5256
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______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Rework Wire Attachment
Author:  aboulais (aboulais)
{NAME:aboulais|EMS:INTERNET|MBX:[log in to unmask] at MCIMAIL
Date:    8/28/95 10:44 AM

     Does anyone have a better method for attaching 28awg.
Tefzel rework/ECO wires to the primary side of a PCB
assembly prior to wave solder. Present method is to attach
wires with Loctite 382 using an accelerator. This method
works fine, but is too time consuming.

     Using hot melt wax is just as time consuming, and won't
stand up under wave temperatures.

     I heard some info. about 6 months ago, about wire with
an adhesive on it that is applied to the board surface with
a heated tip (soldering iron type)

     Anyone heard of this, or has a better method please let
me know.


                                        Al Boulais

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(603) 337-1253