




IPC标准快讯1: IPC-4591A

Requirements for Printed Electronics Functional Conductive Materials



IPC-4591A 为功能导电材料在印刷电子应用时确立了分类系统、质量一致性要求。它可用来指导用户采购符合印刷电子产品技术结构、设计、制造要求的功能材料。

预览标准大纲,请点击pdf文件:table of contents .pdf



IPC标准快讯2: IPC-4103B

Specification for Base Materials for High Speed/High Frequency Applications



预览标准大纲,请点击pdf文件: table of contents .pdf



IPC标准快讯3: IPC/PERM-2901

IPC/PERM-2901, Pb-free Design and Assembly Implementation Guide


The intent of IPC/PERM-2901 design guide is to assist design engineers in developing electronics that are completely Pb-free and meet the demanding requirements of Aerospace, Defense and High Performance (ADHP) systems and products. Coverage is given to Pb-free solders and solder joints, tin whiskers, printed board defects, product qualification, supply chain management, obsolescence management, and COTS assembly, selection and use.


预览标准大纲,请点击pdf文件: table of contents .pdf



IPC标准快讯4: IPC-7621

IPC-7621, Guideline for Design, Material Selection and General Application of Encapsulation of Electronic Circuit Assembly by Low Pressure Molding with Thermoplastics



预览标准大纲,请点击pdf文件: table of contents .pdf .



IPC标准快讯5: IPC-7094A

IPC-7094A, Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Flip Chip and Die-Size Components



预览标准大纲,请点击pdf文件:table of contents .pdf .



IPC标准快讯6: IPC-6903A

Terms and Definitions for the Design and Manufacture of Printed Electronics



预览标准大纲,请点击pdf文件: table of contents .pdf.




Solderability Tests for Component Leads, Terminations, Lugs, Terminals and Wires


IPC-J-STD-002E prescribes test methods, defect definitions, acceptance criteria, and illustrations for assessing the solderability of electronic component leads, terminations, solid wires, stranded wires, lugs, and tabs. The IPC-J-STD-002E standard also includes a test method for the resistance to dissolution/dewetting of metallization. IPC-J-STD-002E is intended for use by both supplier and user. The IPC-J-STD-002E standard was developed by the following three organizations: ECIA, IPC and JEDEC.


预览标准大纲,请点击pdf文件:table of contents .pdf .




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