Yes, a coating will wick up the leads and cause connectivity issues. Once
it is cured/dried, that should not happen unless it is put back into a
liquid state due to solvent contact or high-heat.

Lloyd Duso
Plant Manager
(814) 535-3505

On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 5:17 PM, Jack Olson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> sorry for the long delay (and thank you for the responses)
> but as I was reviewing these posts I had another question:
> Have you ever heard of problems with conformal coating material wicking up
> the connector leads and causing intermittent connections?
> thanks again,
> Jack
> On Wed, 6 Dec 2017 14:09:46 -0500, lduso - <
> [log in to unmask]> wrote:
> (..snip...)
> >It's up to me to decide how close to J1 to get with the coating. I once
> >coated the leads of all the fine-pitch connectors and the customer said
> >that was too close. The next customer will reject the work if I don't coat
> >the leads.