On 27 Feb 2017 at 8:42, David Hillman wrote:

> Here is the Element Quiz Question:
> The Answer:
> The element is Rubidium (Rb)!


> The winner of the quiz  is Matthias Mansfeld, Mansfeld Elektronik PCB
> Design and Assembly and will get the services of Clumpy and Kloumpios
> for the week. Lots of good answers this week but only Matthias had the
> correct submission.

... well..

> Week 12 Matthias Mansfeld, Mansfeld Elektronik PCB Design and Assembly
> - The boys can help me to compare a reverse-engineered old multilayer
> layout against the x-rays from the original (no data, no schematics,
> no gerbers at all available, but the urgent need for some spare
> units....), can coil some dozens RF toroids and last, but not least
> (if they aren't allergic against cats) can entertain our tomcats* (who
> are not amused at the ugly wet wet thaw here...). I've heard Clumpy
> and Kloumpios can meanwhile apparate and disapparate like Harry
> Potter, thus there is no need to pick them up from the next airport
> (would be MUC)?
> Week 13 No Quiz, the boys were helping Doug Pauls, Rockwell Collins,
> with his IPC Hall of Fame Award
> Week 14 Matthias Mansfeld, Mansfeld Elektronik PCB Design and Assembly
> - assisted with ????

> I hope everyone has a awesome week!

.. the boys arrived last friday, spent the weekend at some carnival 
events here around (quite cold and rainy at tuesday, but with the 
help of some bavarian beer and a lot of mulled wine, they came back 
in a very good mood........) Later the boys finished the RF toroids 
from last week, delivered the stuff to my assembly house, where they 
were really surprised about the *poof* apparition in their 
backyard....., and maybe they will tomorrow go snowboarding with my 
big daughter and some friends in Tyrol.. Here in Bavaria we have 
currently one week school holidays.

Best regards
Matthias Mansfeld

PS.: Does transport by apparition have any impact on the RF 
properties on iron powder toroids?... just curious....

Matthias Mansfeld Elektronik * Printed Circuit Board Design and 
Neithardtstr. 3, D-85540 Haar, GERMANY
Phone: +49-89-4620 0937, Fax: +49-89-4620 0938
Internet: http://www.mansfeld-elektronik.de
OpenPGP: http://www.mansfeld-elektronik.de/gnupgkey/mansfeld.asc
Fingerprint: 6563 057D E6B8 9105 1CE4 18D0 4056 1F54 8B59 40EF