I have always used the 1710 form when doing vendor pre-qualification.  I get real information, not what's on their PowerPoints.  What I have found is that many fab vendors already have these completed.  I've only run into a few that don't, and they generally turn out to be unqualified for my needs anyway.

ISO 9000?  A moneymaking scam.  Maybe worse.  It's nothing but a lot of time and money spent on a logo for your website that is supposed to help drive sales.  Do the paperwork, get the certificate, then feel free to ignore it all.   

Why worse?  Do you automatically disqualify companies that are not ISO 9000?  So almost everybody buys it.  The best vendors already do everything that ISO 9000 asks anyway, so they buy the logo and put it on their website.  The vendors that never did all the requirements do it just to get the logo, then ignore it all, but their website looks just like the quality company.  No differentiation.  So it actually ends up doing nothing for the top vendors, but rewards the lesser ones.  So I ignore it, and do my own research.
