Hi Bob,

We do. It on a daily base for our customers and the major tool (besides visual and X-ray) is cross-sectioning. Please contact me off line if you need help.



SENTEC Testing Laboratory Inc.
11 Canadian Road, Unit 7.
Scarborough, ON M1R 5G1
Tel: (647) 495-8727
Cell: (416) 899-1882

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Wettermann <[log in to unmask]>
Sender: TechNet <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 15:16:19 
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To: TechNet E-Mail Forum <[log in to unmask]>,
        Bob Wettermann
	<[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [TN] Inspecting Class 3 Assemblies

Dear Technetters:

I think these things come in bunches.

We are being asked to perform contract inspection of Class 3 medical PCBs.
I would categorize this board as "high complexity" with BGAs, UHDI
connectors, 0201s and about 4,000 parts. There are 100+ boards.

Obviously performing this manually will would take many hours and based on
previous experience, be only 80% effective using a single set of eyes.

So my question for those of you building IPC-A-610 Class 3 product for mil,
aerospace or medical is how do you insure that class 3 solder joint and
other inspection criteria are met? The AOI we have will not do the trick!
The leadless devices and BGAs we will inspect via XRAY. Other ideas for
doing this "offline"?


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