Don't miss the chance to pre-register!  Join IPC at both of their
upcoming workshops being held in Bannockburn, IL!

PCB Laminate Materials and the RoHS Change: IPC-4101 Specification,
Bromine Free and Reliability 
June 26, 2007 - Bannockburn, IL
Instructor:  Doug Sober, Kaneka Texas Corporation
This workshop will address laminate and prepreg materials with a special
focus on the grades, properties, testing and composition necessary for
lead free assembly. 

Final Finishes and their Compatibility with Lead Free Soldering
June 27, 2007 - Bannockburn, IL
Instructor:  Michael Carano, Electrochemicals, Inc.

The electronics industry is moving rapidly to lead free soldering. There
are also additional requirements for solderable finishes protecting the
bare copper prior to assembly. 
Don't miss this opportunity - register today for either of these
workshops!  To register, please cut and paste and
download the registration form.