Hi EnvironNetrs, Brian, 

Saw an interesting TV program just now on Frontline.
  You can watch this yourself on your PC at your convenience.


=======Some notes from this above page  ======
Reports on suppressed science, global warming skeptics, potential alternate 
energy sources and more. 
Key scientific and political developments on global warming.
With climate scientists and policy makers featured in this report.
Additional pieces by the Center for Investigative Reporting, plus suppressed 
reports and the latest from the Web.

Basically it covers the Clinton/Gore with GOP NewtG controlled Congress 
failures and then the Cheney/Bush huge flip flop, failures, and manipulation and 
clamping down on the truth. You can even see former NJ Govnr/ EPA Czar 
Christiine Todd Whitman betrayed by Cheney/Bush convict team.

Also you will see GOP Strategist Frank Luntz who penned the initial strategy 
and see how well it worked with many including that Stupid Senator from 
Oklahoma.    Create doubt about the science

In my mind NO One, including the "well branded, accredited" scientific skeptics 
who were and are paid big bucks to LIE comes out good in the entire USA 

The only thing that is missing is What should have been done.

As engineers faced with a huge defect coming upon us due to upper 
management, we should always ask that question.

YiEngr, MA/NY DDave
Yours in Engineering, Dave