Hi Tony, IPC LF Listservers,

<I have a specific situation that I need help with and I am turning to
this group for opinions and feedback. A while back we had a part that
was going end of life but before the part went end of life we did a last
time buy. These last time buy parts are not RoHS compliant and there are
no replacement parts available. We are faced with an inventory of parts
which are non-compliant and up coming shipments to fulfill. What are my
options? Do the parts that were bought previously need to be compliant
for us to use them in hardware labeled compliant? Are there exceptions
for end of life parts or parts which do not have replacements? Are there
waivers that can be obtained  to allow parts which do not have a

Tony, the best advice I can give you is to check with UK DTi.

If your situation and strategy makes sense, in terms of being WEEE and so
called EU-Earth conscious then they might have figured out how to help you.
This was discussed at one of DTi's consultations with industry a few years

If on the other hand you did this simply to avoid lead and the directives,
you will have to scrap ALL. Sorry

Yours in Engineering, Dave
YiEngr, MA/NY DDave

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