Hi Joe, Brian, Chuck, Chris, ENet Listservers,

An old note revisited.

I finally did a bit of looking for the BBC TV tiny piece I saw on Global
Warming that made the USA look A-OK in not approving the Koyoto Protocal.
This was after, soon to be leaving Tony Blair, made his trip to Queensland,

"Contractions and Convergence" plus the US and UK's position was discussed
in a short piece by Audrey Meyer of the Global Commons Institute.


If I remember, he criticizes the Montreal Protocal.
I will let Brian tackle that one.

The gist of this short BBC TV piece was that the the developed nations
can't, and shouldn't just outsource to un-developed nations. The problem
needs to be solved in high industrial economies where technology can be
developed, without the loss of jobs to solve problems. The rest of Audrey's
stuff I didn't buy since one can't equalize the world in 20 or even 50

Yours in Engineering, Dave
YiEngr, MA/NY DDave