Hi Chuck, Joe, EnViro Listservers,

BTW, Thanks Chuck for this report since what he strives to refute might be
our real data and a report that I should read for fun someday. I agree with
him if the report had no references it would be disturbing since it then
becomes kind of testimonial. OK I won't check out the report he criticizes.
I will trust him on it's lack of references.

I didn't like his analysis, too deterministic as if 100 years ago people
had the same exact technolgy yet he blended it all as exact science.

I actually hit his bio, and then read his most recent reports even one from
this year. Nice graphics and charts from the Seattle, Oregon area. BTW he
criticized nice graphics, charts, in the link you gave us.

I think he is in "survival mode" or "attention mode"
Either one could be good for his career in Oregon.

We are dealing with .1 degrees and a trend line that might be only 2 to 3
degrees with some cyclic variability. It is no place for "hot shots. You
and I can't even sense this change on a year to year basis.

From reading his reports he doesn't seem to be a REAL contributor, yet he
has a good PR mode of conflict, conflict.

Remember Carl Sagan, who would sue anyone..

Yours in Engineering, Dave
YiEngr, MA/NY DDave