Hi Mike, Bev, Chris, John, IPC LF Listservers,

A great discussion.


Yes you're right of course. I've seen plenty of reports, though, that are
clearly generated by grinding the entire device and doing the analysis on
that...and consequently coming out with a less-than-conclusive result. Not
all OEMs, Distributors, Contract Manufacturers, and Component Manufacturers
have a good understanding of the requirement.


I really kind of expected this and the results Chris reported from a SMART
presentation. Most of our Western countries are in a down sizing technology
and engineering mode and many capitalists are moving products and jobs at
increased levels at the same time as a major technology disruption is in
the works. This formula usually spells for continual long term disasters.

If you read the few notes we get from our Orient China, Japan, SE Asia
listservers you can see they are not ready nor share our concern. Why
should they since their market share, and livelihood's are growing.

Yours in Engineering, Dave
YiEngr, MA/NY DDave

BTW, Thanks Bev for your Analysis run down

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