Hi NIST-John, KeithS, , IPC-LF Listservers,

John, If you go look in the IPC-LF archives you will see some neat notes
over our years on this Pb-free project about Tin Pest and UK's Professor
Plumbridge. Tin's KayN is even in these note series, noting the low
incident rate reported into Soldertec (i.e the Tin Institute). I believe
you might even be able to link to some of his past articles so you can get
a better heads up. Keith did well in his description, yet Plumbridge's
pictures are worth a thousand words.

By the Way Manko in his book from my gosh the 70's or 60's described Tin

Yes, It is one of our LF (high Sn) problems.

Yours in Engineering, Dave
YiEngr, MA/NY DDave

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