Hi John, Stephen, Camille, , IPC-LF Listservers,

Thanks ALL,

I have already read about these two bills a few times, as this topic has
come up now and then again on the IPC LF-Listserver.

These bills are selectively applying EU mandates to display products and
seem to focus on charging or obtaining selective recovery for display
products. Lots of good reading on these two bills is in the archives.

SO, If that is all anyone knows about CA's legistlation - - -
 I am going to guess or make an E-SWAG (Engineering-Smart Wild Associated
 Guess) that the authors of both articles that I read didn't quite have
 all their facts together. Hey it happens, has happened, and will happen
 more as more people jump onto the LF RoHS WEEE band wagon.

Yours in Engineering, Dave
YiEngr, MA/NY DDave

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