This has gone so far off topic it's rediculous. It was said that IPC is sort of a governing body over design, which it is. Governing and Government are two different things.

As specs and standards are changed and updated they effect the industry since most companies design towards IPC Standards. The fact that they have tools on they're site is a nice feature as long as they say they are no way tied to IPC unless IPC had something do with the creation of said tool. The issue is that being an Industry Standard, IPC should not refer to ONE specific tool in a Spec. That goes against the whole purpose of Standards. Yet they do, they cleary name a specific tool right inside the guts of a spec. That would be like saying only one specific design tool can be used to design a Board to a said spec, weather it be Pads, Allegro, PCAD, something that Nick's company comes up with or whatever.

And saying you're not bias is like saying the Clintons and Bushs weren't bias towards Enron.

If IPC not having enough money is an issue, and one of the causes of that is the decrease in membership over the past few years. Well haven't a lot of us been between jobs, going back n forth and tight on money. How could some of become members if we can't afford it on our own when companies are spending less and less money on their employees. Maybe IPC should consider reducing the costs to new members or somthing and see it helps their membership.

-- "Nick Ban (PCBL)" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
  Chris said:
  "For the free publicity, Nick, you're welcome."

I noticed this IPC-PCBL issue was only brought up by individuals at
companies who haven't invested in the 7351 tools. What I find VERY ironic is
although these companies haven't invested in the 7351 tools, they are paying
their staff for the time they take to help publicize PCBL. I really don't
know who to thank more - you, or your companies?

  Chris said:
  "The point was raised that IPC is not a government agency and
   that even the IRS tells you about tax software. That's true.
   If they'd partnered with TurboTax up front, TaxCut would
   probably have had a much harder time establishing a client
   base when they came along, but OK, enough of that."

If I can build a bridge between this analogy - keep in mind that the IRS
doesn't have the need to distribute library to go with the 7351 standard, as
would be expected by most users of the standard.

   Brent replied:
   "My understanding is you are only questioning the rational
    to why IPC is bundling a vendor's product with a standard
    .....Good question."

See my comment above. If IPC didn't package the Viewer with the standard,
those who bought the IPC-7351 would be asking, "hey, where's the
documentation?". Perhaps IPC should have just referred its customers to
download the software from PCB Libraries' website? Wait, no - that would
have been bad, too. It seems that to some people, no matter what, IPC would
have out of line.


-----Original Message-----
From: DesignerCouncil [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Alcorn,
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2005 10:00 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [DC] Propaganda Rant - last response.

In no way am I trying to belittle the MAJOR efforts that went into the
program or the standard.

That isn't what is being questioned  (Again).

- Brent

Last Response:

Chris you said:
I'm not sure why some took my comments to mean that I resist change or
resent better tools and those who make them, but I must have had it
coming, and am sorry for having implied it.

Chris, I didn't read that into your original post at all.  My
understanding is you are only questioning the rational to why IPC is
bundling a vendor's product with a standard ..... Good question.

Joe you said:
That's common sense and the fact that we're having a discussion like
this challenges my faith in natural selection. IPC Is not a government
agency.  Even the flippin' IRS will tell you can get Tax software...Does
that challenge my relationship with them?  Of course not (that's an
issue unto itself).  No where does IPC say you need to use this, or even
still go as far as to reccomend using it.  The issue here is the
*implied* reccomendation which to me is absurd.
IPC Is not a government agency.


Have another cup of coffee man.... Sheeze..

You may want to re-read my post... I NEVER said IPC was a government
agency ....    I said "governing"...

The word I chose to used was to show how IMPORTANT IPC is to this
industry, or in my eyes anyway. That is why this troubles me and
obviously others.

Would you like toast with your coffee or would you like coffee on your
toast.... you get both, but, there is a difference.


My opinion only, again, this isn't Analogic's.

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